5 ways to start a conversation about mental health

This year’s Time To Talk Day is on Thursday 3 February.

Starting conversations that seem ‘deep’ or potentially emotional can be daunting - here are five tips to help you get started.

  1. Don’t wait to find the perfect moment

    When we imagine conversations about mental health we might envisage something like a therapy session: two people alone in a quiet room, sitting face to face, giving one another their full attention. But in reality, when was the last time you and a mate found yourselves in this scenario? It’s important that conversations happen at times and in places that feel natural. 

    Sometimes it’s easier to talk about our feelings when we are doing something else. Driving in the car; jogging around the park; eating breakfast in the cafe. The more typical the setting, the less unusual and uncomfortable the conversation can feel. Having something else to do at the same time also means that the pressure is off to fill silences, maintain eye contact, and wrap things up in a particular way. 

  2.  Ask twice

    We know that people often say they’re fine when they’re not. So asking twice is an important way of starting conversations about mental health and letting people know that you really are interested. Sometimes we feel uncomfortable opening up if someone asks, “how are you?” because we think they’re just being polite. But if that person says, “no, really, is everything OK?” we know that they’re not just going through the motions. Even if someone doesn’t feel like talking at that moment, they know you’ll be there to listen when they’re ready.

  3. Talk about yourself

    If you want someone to open up to you it can help them feel safe and understood if you share your own feelings. You don’t have to disclose a mental health problem to them – you might not have any personal experience of one. It could be as simple as sharing that you get down sometimes or sharing something that you’ve been worrying about recently. This will make it clear that you’re happy to talk about feelings and that there won’t be any judgement.

  4. Approach the elephant in the room

    If you know that someone has experienced mental illness – maybe they took some time off work recently, or spoke about it in the past – don’t be afraid to ask how they’re doing. There are respectful ways to do this and it might not be appropriate to bring up specific details, but asking, “how are things now?” or “are you back at work?” shows that person that they have nothing to feel awkward about. 

    If you think someone has been acting differently it’s OK to mention that too, if it is done in a kind way. “You’ve seemed a bit quiet recently, is everything alright? I’m here if you want to talk.” This shows that you care and opens the door for them to chat about things when they’re ready.

  5. It doesn’t have to be face to face

    Talking in person is great. It can help to see someone’s facial expressions, read their body language, and give them a hug if that feels right. But some people find it easier to talk about things via text or email, and that’s fine too. If your main form of communication is WhatsApp, check in with them on there. All the above tips still apply online. Social media is a brilliant way of keeping in touch with people, but just because we’ve liked a post or shared a funny video doesn’t mean we’ve really connected with that person

If you or someone you know has been struggling with mental health and wellbeing, you are not alone.
Request a free call back from our Somewhere To Turn service for a initial chat about how we can help you, or take a look at our self-referral form that will allow you to access our counselling services without a GP referral.

We also offer a wide range of Mental Health Training for those looking to learn more about mental health.

How you can help:

Why not consider becoming a volunteer or fundraising for our charity? You could also give a one-off donation online or by text to help celebrate World Mental Health Day.

You can also help raise mental health awareness and fight to reduce the stigma and inequality surrounding mental health by following us on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and LinkedIn or sign up to our newsletter.

Donate online now

Text SMIND to 70085 to donate £5 to help fund our vital local services

About our charity:

At South East and Central Essex Mind, we provide:

  • Supported housing facilities for those recovering from a mental health crisis

  • Counselling services for adults, both in-person and virtual

  • Specialist counselling for young people and children from age 5+,

  • Mental health training for individuals, schools, businesses and the wider community

  • Signposting and peer support services for those looking for local mental health information and guidance

We rely entirely on donations and fundraising to keep our mental health services open. Every donation goes directly to our charity and helps us continue our work and every act of kindness makes a difference. Thank you!


Children’s Mental Health Week 2022


Time To Talk Day -Talking Tips